Are Eliana's Collection products vegan?
Yes! The majority of Eliana's Collection products are vegan, with the exception of the lip pencil, automatic eyebrow pencil, and eyebrow palette which use beeswax.
All of Eliana's Collection products are cruelty free! All products are also:

If you'd like to see a full breakdown of Eliana's Collection product ingredients, simply click on the product of choice and scroll down to the Product Description section.

How much does shipping cost?
The cost of shipping is flat rate shipping at $8.99 cost. For more information visit our Shipping Policy page at
Does Eliana Collection ship international?
We currently ship only to USA and Canada.
What should I do if my order hasn't been delivered yet?
We ship your orders within 2-3 business days after product is processed. You will receive a shipment notification e-mail when your order is shipped as well as a tracking number for it.
Can I track my order?
You'll receive a tracking information by email from us with a tracking link for your package so you can follow its journey.
What happens to my refund if my card is no longer in use?
Your refund will still go back onto the card details used on your order as long as the card account is still open. When a card is lost, stolen, or canceled, we can still refund that card.
We cannot refund your order to a different card. If you have any issues viewing your refund 15 business days after it is issued by us, please contact us.
I've received a damaged product, what should I do?
We want to sort out any issues with damaged product straightaway. As soon as you discover a damaged product, please contact us at and send us:

The order number, date of purchase, e-mail address, some pictures of the product and a small description of the damage.

I've received an incorrect product, what should I do?
We want to sort out any issues with incorrect products straight away.

If one of the products you received isn't what you ordered, please contact us at

Where are the products manufactured?
Almost all our products are manufactured in Canada. We do have some products that are manufactured in China due to limited materials in our manufacture facility in Canada. Every product is labeled where it is made.
How do I know if the product is made in Canada?
We list the Made in country of our products on the product page for all our products below the Subtotal.